Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.

CareOne Internal Medicine and Primary Care

Internal Medicine & Primary Care Practice located in Houston, TX
Now offering virtual care & appointments

At CareOne Internal Medicine and Primary Care, board-certified internal medicine physicians Mubarak Khawaja, MD, and Asim Khawaja, MD, lead the team of health care professionals ready to serve patients in Houston and Katy, Texas.

When it comes to managing your health, the CareOne team offers an evidence-based approach and comprehensive preventive care with treatments personalized to your needs. Routine physicals with the team can help you stay on top of your health. They can also diagnose and help you manage chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and offer weight loss and nutritional counseling.

As health care partners committed to helping you improve your overall health and wellness, CareOne offers the convenience of telemedicine visits, so you can receive the care you need, even when you can’t make it into the office. They also offer same-day appointments for when you need expert care right away.

With their affiliations with location hospitals, the providers at CareOne can meet the needs of all their patients whether in a clinical or hospital setting. Senior patients can expect attentive nursing home care, and the team can help prepare you and your family with compassionate hospice services. They’re equipped to manage all your health care needs, always with your best interests in mind.

Call CareOne Internal Medicine and Primary Care today for your appointment, or book one online.

We now offer Telemedicine. 


Telemedicine—a visit with a health care provider either virtually or by phone.

Telemedicine  allows  doctors to distinguish between those who need immediate care and those whose symptoms are mild enough not to warrant a visit to an urgent care center or a hospital, freeing up vital resources for only the most severe cases.


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We Offer Same Day Appointments

Hospital Care – Clinic Care – Nursing Home Care

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Insurance Providers

Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance company or have any questions.

Alliant Health Plans
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Assurant Health
Community Health Group
Galaxy Health Network
Health Alliance
Meridian Health Plan
Optum Health
Oscar Health Insurance Co.
Texan Plus

Choose Your Provider

5 Reasons Men Should Get Annual Physicals
5 Reasons Men Should Get Annual Physicals

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Heart Healthy Practices You Can Start Today
Heart Healthy Practices You Can Start Today

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5 Best Practices for Managing Diabetes

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CareOne Internal Medicine and Primary Care
2222 Greenhouse Rd, 400
Houston, TX 77084
Phone: 281-201-1032
Fax: 281-599-8805

Office Hours

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